
Page Builder: Including_Exception

Fragment not registered

Fragment ComponentPagesEsgHeroBanner is not registered

TIP: Please make sure that you have in your ui_fragments.ts configuration file something like

  ComponentPagesEsgHeroBanner: "./ui_fragments/CMSFragmentName", # make sure this component exist before registering

Using Payload

  "esg_hero_banner_title": "Vision2030",
  "esg_hero_banner_description": "Saudi Vision 2030 is a government program launched by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia which aims to achieve the goal of increased diversification economically, socially and culturally, in line with the vision of Saudi Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman.",
  "esg_hero_banner_background": {
    "data": {
      "attributes": {
        "url": "https://conventgarden-euwest2-dev-s3.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/Vision2030logo_0d05646447.jpeg",
        "__typename": "UploadFile"
      "__typename": "UploadFileEntity"
    "__typename": "UploadFileEntityResponse"

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